Easy Steps To Install Arch Linux On Raspberry
Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop is the Foundations operating system for PC and Mac. You can create a live disc, run it in a virtual machine, or even install it on. How to install Microsoft. NET Framework 4. 5 on Raspberry Pi using Wine and ExaGear Desktop. Stepbystep instruction. Working with headphones on usually means youd rather not be bothered, but sometimes it means youre just listening to something while you work. If you want to be. I/51TeEhdraDL._SY300_.jpg' alt='Easy Steps To Install Arch Linux On Raspberry' title='Easy Steps To Install Arch Linux On Raspberry' />Hack an Easy Button for Quick Slack Alerts. Working with headphones on usually means youd rather not be bothered, but sometimes it means youre just listening to something while you work. If you want to be available despite your cans being on, why not build your own alert button Enter developer Nick Sypteras, who wanted to solve the problem of coworkers requesting his attention while his headphones were on. Working in a cubicle, he wrote, Theres no way for a visitor to my desk to get my attention other than by waving their hand in my face, making loud noises behind me, etc. So he broke out the soldering iron, a Staples Easy Button, and an Adafruit microcontroller. Dear Lifehacker. I am condemned to being stuck in a small cubicle with low walls. I know Lifehacker Read more Read. Sypteras wrote the code to send his Slack alerts in Micro. Python, a version of the programming language designed for microcontroller boards. The Adafruit Feather HUZZAH microcontroller listens for a change in value based on whether the button was pressed. Using Slacks API, he was able to send messages to a private channel he created specifically for his desks easy button. While the message just lets him know hes got a visitor, you can get fancy with it and use Slacks API to attach more info to your alerts. Cross Compiling on Mac OSX for Raspberry Pi Jared Wolff. In my previous posts, I came to the realization that the Raspberry Pi is not very fast This results lots of chair spinning time while waiting for my projects to compile. After I did some brief research, I found that crosstool ng was a great resource which would enable me to create a toolchain with all the features I needed. Additionally, with crosstool ng you can practically build any toolchain for any target platform More information about my process and a link to a pre built toolchain after the breakIf you are unfamiliar with the process of compiling a toolchain on your own computer, let me be frank its not fun. Luckily, with a combination of past experience and help from others on the web. Ultimately, my success though can be attributed to those people who have developed the tools or who have previously gone though the process. Without them, this guide would not be here Update 82. I have updated this tutorial in several places for newer systems. Im currently running a Macbook Pro with 1. Note 82. 9 This tutorial now is focused on the Raspberry Pi 3 B. Steps can be tweaked to account for older Pis. So without further ado lets do this thing. Before we get started. Before we start anything I recently compiled the toolchain for Rpi. It will save you a whole bunch of time to download it here rather than go through this proceedure. These files include Linux Kernel 4. For those who want to continue for giggles, by all meansInstall Homebrew. You will need Hombrew to install some dependencies. Youtube Er Pro Failed more. If you havent already installed it you can run the command below ruby e curl fs. SL https raw. githubusercontent. Homebrewinstallmasterinstall. Note a few other dependencies get installed when crosstool ng is compiled. Be prepared to wait a little while everything assembles. Install gettext. Note this is more of a precaution then a requirement. I believe by the end of this process that this was not necessary for getting crosstool ng to work. Create two case sensitive disk images. Open up Disk utility. Click on the New Image button. You need a disk at least 1. GB in size. This will house all the source code and object files when all said and done. The next disk can be exactly the same but only 2. MB in size. When fully compiled and compressed everything turned out to be around 1. MBNote 82. 9 for some reason there is a bug on OSX which prevents you from formating a case sensitive drive in Disk Utility. So create a non case sensitive image and format it to a case sensitive one. The file system needs to be case sensitive. Note 82. 9 Also, should you make a disk that is not the correct size, you can invoke the resize command to fix itG Desktoplt filename. Install GNU grep. Crosstools relies on the use of GNU grep. The grep built with OSX is not 1. So, lets build itNote 82. Edit paths. sh file. My paths. sh file was located here usrlocalCellarcrosstool ng1. I changed the grep line from export grepusrbingrep. To export grepusrlocalbingrep. Note 82. 9 likely can be avoided with the note above. You can also edit your. Load the LinuxGNU option. This will load a general LinuxGNU config. Well end up replacing the config but it gives us a good starting point. Note 82. 9 this is a better starting point than my original suggestion. The config file below will change the remaining settings to accomodate for the different processor. Install config file. Download the config file here. You will have to copy it to your case sensitive disk image and rename it to. Modify the config file. Run the following in your working directory. Change the following as needed. Note This only needs to be changed if you change the names of the. Paths and misc options. Note all of these are under the Paths section. Local tarballs directory. I used Volumesxtools build envsrc. Make sure you set yours to your setup. Volumesyour case sensitive disk image heresrc. Working directory. I used Volumesxtools build env. Make sure you set yours to your setup. Volumesyour case sensitive disk image here. Prefix directory. I used VolumesxtoolsCTTARGET. Make sure you set yours to your setup. Volumesyour smaller case sensitive disk image hereCTTARGET. Note the next few settings are under the Extracting section. Stop after extracting tarballs. This option should be checked. Parallel jobs. Note 82. You can leave it be. Download and extract the packages. Run the following command ct ng build. The build command will stop after extracting all the sources. Change source file. In. buildsrcbinutils 2. Here is the before and after code blocks class Onceinitialize. Onceinitialize. PTHREADONCEINIT. Return a pointer to the pthreadoncet variable. Change it to class Onceinitialize. Onceinitialize. PTHREADONCESIGinit once. Return a pointer to the pthreadoncet variable. Update the ulimitulimit n 1. Ulimit controls the amount of resources allowed by a shell instance. In this case we need to increase this limit in order to prevent compilation errors. Undo one of the config settings we changed earlier. Open up ct ng menuconfig. Paths and misc options. Note the next few settings are under the Extracting section. Stop after extracting tarballs. This option should be unchecked. Begin the build Run ct ng build. Play the waiting game. Depending on how fast your setup is it may take a few hours to compile fully. If youre impatient you can always get the binaries I just compiled here. In the end. By the time its done doing its thing you should have a fully capable cross platform toolchain for the Raspberry Pi Woot An easy way to test it is to do the following cat test. Hello, worldn return 0. Hit ctrl d to escapeVolumespath to smaller case sensitive disk imagearm unknown linux gnueabi gcc o test test. Copy test over to your Raspberry Pi. Then ssh in and run the test executablessh piraspberrypi homepitest. Other Notes. New notes as of 82. STOPRESTART Crosstools now has a nifty stop and restart feature. Should a build break on a particular sub component, you can actually fix the issue and continue the build from where it broke. It saves a ton of time. In order to take advantage of the feature you need to enable CTDEBUGCTSAVESTEPS in your. CTDEBUGCTSAVESTEPSy. Then you can invoke the STOP or RESTART command ct ng list stepsct ng build RESTARTcccorepass1. Building Static Becuase OSX does not build based on static libraries we need to make sure those options are disabled. This is already done in my config file but for those who are interested here are the flags CTWANTSSTATICLINKn. CTCCSTATICLIBSTDCXXn. Thank you to Rolando for posting this in the commentsMany thanks. I used several blog posts and articles over the web to get this to work. Many thanks to their previous efforts. More Raspberry Pi posts.