Free Download Hindi Songs Of Krodha

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Durga Maa Mantra chalisaBhavani Bhujangamby. Adi Shankaracharya १I bow before that personification of nectar, who is the everlasting immortal bliss, Who is the luster in the Sushumna, Which is in the six chakras of the body, And who melts the moon and drinks its light. Lady Gaga The Fame Monster Zip Rar Converter more. I sing about that Bhavani, Who sits in the triangle, which shines in the stamen of the great lotus, Who has the luster of crores of rising suns, Who is immensely pretty, And who attracts the entire world by her charm. Oh, great goddess please keep your feet, Which have jingling bells made of gems tied to it, Which shine in the luster of your wet lac painted feet, And which are worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma and others On my head and bless. I worship the streak of hair on your belly, Thine shining navel circling to the left, Thine hips dressed in red garments, And your waist adorned with golden tinkling belt, Studded with greatest of jewels. I worship thine twin radiant raised breasts full of milk, Which are round and like the gem studded pot, And which are ever shining with milk, Hey mother who has lotus like eyes. I worship that Bhavani Who glitters with her arms, Which are as delicate as Sirisa flowers, And which carry arrow, bow, noose and goad, And which shines with bangles and bracelets. I worship that Bhavani, Who is extremely pleasant, Who shines like the full moon of autumn, Whose lotus like face is adorned with peace, And who shines with gem studded necklace and ear studs. I praise thee Amba, Who adorns your lotus like face, With musk on the forehead and cheeks, Who has very pretty nostrils, Who has a pretty forehead, Who has well formed beautiful lips. And who is capable of blessing with a side long glance. I praise thine head, Which is playfully radiant, Which is adorned by the crescent moon, Which is decorated by the line of gems, In whose dense hair the swarm of bees, Enter swirl and play, And which is decorated, By densely woven white jasmine flowers. This form of yours, Oh Bhavani, Which is much above the universe, In its micro form, May please shine in the lotus heart mine, And bless me in your lustrous form, So that I rule over the wealth of words. I meditate on you, the wife of Shiva, Who is sitting pleasantly on his lap, Surrounded by Shakthis led by lord Ganesha, Who is sitting highly radiant on the chakra raja, And who is Tripura and Rajarajeswari. I sing about you as a form of blissful knowledge, As one to whom, there is none superior, As you are the sun, moon, fire, water, Ether, earth, fire and the great essence. Though I know not thine greatness, Wish I to praise you, Oh, Bhavani, Who is the knower of Vedas and Agamas, And who is unreachable through scriptures. So please pardon me for doing this. You are my teacher, you are my lord Shiva, You are the Goddess Shakthi, You are my mother, you are my father, You are the knowledge, you are my relations, And so you are my only refuge, my only thought, And everything that I can think of. Free Download Hindi Songs Of KrodhatFree Download Hindi Songs Of KrodhaadbhavatiSalutations, salutations and salutations, Oh Bhavani, You are my refuge, my boon and form of all mercy, You are greatest among all devas, oh holy one, And so, please protect me from this forest snare of life. Who ever correctly reads with devotion, This great hymn praising Bhavani from head to toe, Would attain a permanent place of salvation, Which is the essence of Vedas, And also get wealth and the eight occult powers. Three times repeat the holy name of Bhavani, With devotion and repeatedly forever, And get rid of sorrow, passion, sin and fear, For all time and for all ways. Durg, meaning the invincible Mother Durga one who can redeem in situations of utmost distress is a form of Devi, the supremely radiant.

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