White Patch On Gum By Tooth

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Chewing gum Wikipedia. Chewing gum is a soft, cohesive substance designed to be chewed without being swallowed. Modern chewing gum is composed of gum base, sweeteners, softeners plasticizers, flavors, colors, and, typically, a hard or powdered polyol coating. Its texture is reminiscent of rubber because of the physical chemical properties of its polymer, plasticizer, and resin components, which contribute to its elastic plastic, sticky, chewy characteristics. HistoryeditThe cultural tradition of chewing gum seems to have developed through a convergent evolution process, as traces of this habit have arisen separately in many of the early civilizations. Each of the early precursors to chewing gum were derived from natural growths local to the region and were chewed purely out the instinctual desire to masticate. Early chewers did not necessarily desire to derive nutritional benefits from their chewable substances, but at times sought taste stimuli and teeth cleaning or breath freshening capabilities. Variations of early chewing gum worldwide 3Ancient civilization. Chewing gum precursor. Ancient Greece. Mastic tree bark. Ancient Maya. Chicle. Eskimos. Blubber. TnH0L.jpg' alt='White Patch On Gum By Tooth' title='White Patch On Gum By Tooth' />One of Americas most famous internetgrown white supremacists, Baked Alaska, has threatened to sue news outlet AJ Plus over a photo of him holding a gun. He says. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms Gum sores, Mouth sores, Swollen gums and White patches inside mouth. South Americans. Coca leaves. Chinese. Ginseng plant roots. South Asia IndiaBetel nuts. United States early settlersTobacco leaves. Buy White Jordan Almonds, Get fresh White Jordan Almonds, from Nuts in Bulk. Best White Jordan Almonds from Dried fruits and Nuts wholesaler in Affordable prices. Ahnlab V3 Internet Security. Native Americans. Sugar pine and spruce sap. Chewing gum in many forms has existed since the Neolithic period. Kierikki in Finland. The tar from which the gums were made is believed to have antiseptic properties and other medicinal benefits. It is chemically similar to petroleum tar and is in this way different from most other early gum. Gta San Andreas Pc Dragon Ball Z Mod on this page. The Aztec, as well as the ancient Maya before them, used chicle, a natural tree gum, as a base for making a gum like substance7 and to stick objects together in everyday use. Forms of chewing gums were also chewed in Ancient Greece. The Ancient Greeks chewed mastic gum, made from the resin of the mastic tree. Mastic gum, like birch bark tar, has antiseptic properties and is believed to have been used to maintain oral health. Both chicle and mastic are tree resins. Many other cultures have chewed gum like substances made from plants, grasses, and resins. Although chewing gum can be traced back to civilizations around the world, the modernization and commercialization of this product mainly took place in the United States. The American Indians chewed resin made from the sap of sprucetrees. The New England settlers picked up this practice, and in 1. John B. Curtis developed and sold the first commercial chewing gum called The State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum. In this way, the industrializing West, having forgotten about tree gums, rediscovered chewing gum through the First Americans. Around 1. 85. 0 a gum made from paraffin wax, which is a petroleum product, was developed and soon exceeded the spruce gum in popularity. To sweeten these early gums the chewer would often make use of a plate of powdered sugar, which they would repeatedly dip the gum into to maintain sweetness. William Semple filed an early patent on chewing gum, patent number 9. December 2. 8, 1. An image of a Colgans Taffy Tolu Chewing Gum chromolithograph advertisement circa 1. The first flavored chewing gum was created in the 1. John Colgan, a Louisville, Kentucky pharmacist. Colgan mixed with powdered sugar the aromatic flavoring tolu, a powder obtained from an extract of the balsam tree Myroxylon, creating small sticks of flavored chewing gum he named Taffy Tolu. Colgan also lead the way in the manufacturing and packaging of chicle based chewing gum, derived from Manilkara chicle, a tropical evergreen tree. He licensed a patent for automatically cutting chips of chewing gum from larger sticks US 9. Chewing Gum Chip Forming Machine August 2, 1. US 9. 13,3. 52 Web cutting attachment for wrapping machines February 2. Louisville, Kentucky inventor James Henry Brady, an employee of the Colgan Gum Company. Modern chewing gum was first developed in the 1. Mexico by the former President, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, to New York, where he gave it to Thomas Adams for use as a rubber substitute. Chicle did not succeed as a replacement for rubber, but as a gum, which was cut into strips and marketed as Adams New York Chewing Gum in 1. Black Jack 1. 88. Chiclets 1. 89. 9, and Wrigleys Spearmint Gum were early popular gums that quickly dominated the market and are all still around today. Chewing gum gained worldwide popularity through American GIs in WWII, who were supplied chewing gum as a ration and traded it with locals. Synthetic gums were first introduced to the U. S. after chicle no longer satisfied the needs of making good chewing gum. By the 1. US manufacturers had switched to butadiene based synthetic rubber, as it was cheaper to manufacture. Ingredient compositioneditGum base composition is considered proprietary information known by select individuals within each gum manufacturing company. Information about the other components of chewing gum are more accessible to the public and they are listed in Table 2. Table 2 Common Ingredients in the Formulation of Modern Chewing Gum11. Ingredient. Percent by weight Composition. Functionality. Common Examples. Gum Base22. 5 3. Although the formulation of gum bases is considered proprietary information for industry competitors, three main components make up all gum bases resin, wax, and elastomer. Resin ex. terpene is the main chewable portion. Wax softens the gum. Elastomers add flexibility. The molecular composition of gum base is very similar to that of plastics and rubbers. Natural or Synthetic Ingredients See Table 3Sweeteners. Sugar Alcohols 4. Artificial Sweeteners 0. Bulk Polyol Sweeteners are responsible for initial sweetness, whereas intensive sweeteners are intended for prolonging the sweetness effect. Intensive Sweeteners are often encapsulated to delay the release of flavor. Bulk Polyol Sweeteners1. Intensive Sweeteners2. K, saccharine, sucralose, neohesperidine, dihydrichalcone. Glycerine. 2 1. 5To maintain moistness. SoftenerPlasticizer. To soften gum by increasing flexibility and reducing brittleness by altering the glass transition temperature. Quantities of this additive are altered in order to balance processability and packaging speed. Flavors2. 11. 5 3. For taste and sensory appeal. Flavor components in gum exist in liquid, powder or micro encapsulatedforms. Liquid flavor incorporations are either water soluble, oil soluble, or water dispersible emulsions. The oil soluble flavors remain in the gum longer, resulting in longer lasting flavor sensations, because the gum base is hydrophobic and attracted to oil based components. Natural or Synthetic. Ex. Food Acids are implemented to provide a sour flavor i. Colors. Variable. For visual appeal. Natural or Synthetic. Polyol Coating2. Variable. Pellet gums characteristic hard outer shell is due to a polyol coating. Neural Network Design Ebook. Polyols can also be implemented as a water absorbent powder dusting in order to maintain the quality and extend the shelf life of the product. These humectants bind water by establishing many hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Sorbitol. MaltitolIsomalt. Mannitol. Starch. Gum baseeditGum base is made of polymers, plasticizers, and resins. Polymers, including elastomers, are responsible for the stretchy and sticky nature of chewing gum. Long term Nicorette gum users losing hair and teethby John R. Polito. What follows are the words of a 4. Nicorette. gum. Originally I took it to quit smoking. I now have a major addiction to Nicorette, severe hair loss have lost over 5. I now have to take high strength medication, severe problems with teeth and jaw from constant chewing had to have 2 teeth pulled out and enamel has eroded. Previously I had perfect blood pressure 1. I had beautiful thick curly. Nicorette did help me to quit cigarettes initially, she writes but I. Nicorette chewing gum now for over 1. My doctors cannot explain my severe hair loss or my extremely high. My diet is healthy, I exercise regularly and all my. But after reading all of these entries I. It is the nicotine I am. I chew 2mg x 1. 0 pieces of Nicorette each and every daySometimes more. Would I recommend this product NO ABSOLUTELY NOTIt is very expensive, very addictive, and destroys your healthNicorette Hair Loss Common. This womans eyes were opened by reading 1. Nicorette user comments posted at Ask. APatient. com. Clearly, user symptom complaints such as those listed at Ask. APatient. com do not reflect objective medical science. But given the massive scientific void in failing to research nicotines long term heath consequences, user observations afford the only evidence currently available. Ask. APatient. com asks Nicorette nicotine gum users to fill. Nicorette use satisfaction, why they were using it, the side effects experienced and any additional comments. All submissions are then displayed in summary fashion. This lady is not alone. Nearly a third of responding long term Nicorette users expressed hair loss concerns. A 4. 0 year old female Nicorette user for 2. My hair. for the last year has been falling out in clumps My hairdresser found a bald spot 2 weeks ago. A shot of cortozone in my scalp where the bald spot is and it continues to fall out. I am very concerned about my hair loss as I used to have thick hair,. Severe hair loss for about a year now has me wondering if the gum is causing. Started out with about 6 pieces a day, now chew about 1. Probably more nicotine than when I smoked. The hair loss is really really upsetting, Mom had full head of hair as do brother and sister so dont think it is genetic. I was wondering if Nicorette has something to do with my recent. Nicorette user. I dont know why it would randomly start happening at age 2. There seems to be thinning in different areas, almost patchy thinning. Does the numb feeling I get on the top of my head when taking Nicorette have something to do with the hair lossA concerned 6. Please anyone out there, does your hair ever come back or blood pressure return to normal if you quit chewingNicotine is a known vasoconstrictor of the bodys extremities but the effects after smoking are normally rather short lived. Still, bloodflow in the fingers becomes so diminished that their temperature can reportedly drop up to 7 degrees. While a 1. 99. 6 study suggests a link between smoking and hair loss in men, there was no link seen in smoking women. But nicotine gum use can result in more stable blood serum nicotine levels with slightly lower spikes yet higher troughs than seen with smoking. Ease of NRT use may also result in greater nicotine intake and increased tolerance that may not have been seen in short term smoking cessation studies. Could this result in hair loss Dont expect such a study any time soon. Why Because any researcher whose study findings significantly damage pharmaceutical industry nicotine gum, patch or lozenge profits will never receive industry funding of their research again. Rashes, Reddening and Acne. One user reports bug bite like skin rashes that can last a few months on. Another reports an abdominal rash. A 3. 8 year old 1. I have really really terrible skin. It is so embarrassing to be in your 3. Its definitely the gum. Within 2. 4 hours of cutting down to a couple of pieces a day, my face looked better, and it cleared completely in less than a week. Its close to impossible to quit. A 5. 1 year old female who has used gum for 7 years reports hair loss and. I looked like I had a sunburn. I blamed it on menopause although I knew its real cause. A 3. My rash is very troubling and is killing my social life. Damaged and Missing Teeth, Crowns, Root Canals, Gum Disease and Jaw Harms. Studies tell us that the average smoker loses 5. What we dont yet know is nicotines role. We know that as a vasoconstrictor nicotine squeezes blood vessels, which often masks and hides gum bleeding until nicotine use ends. Symptoms of periodontitis can include breath odor, gums that bleed easily, appear shiny or bright red, are swollen or tender when touched but otherwise painless, or loose teeth. Nicorette dental injury assertions abound at Ask. APatient. com. I heavily used Nicorette in the late 1. I had to have several dental fillings replaced and then get root canalscrowns. In 1. 99. 8 I noticed the back of my front teeth had a groove and were. It ended up costing me 2. I still did not realize that it was the gum that had created it. My jaw is messed up. I cant open my mouth without extreme pain, writes a 2. For the last couple of years dentists accused me of grinding my teeth. It turns out it is the stiff, tough chewing gum of Nicorette. It caused some serious trauma to my teeth. I have cracks in a couple teeth. I have exposed dentin. Many dentists dont have a clue. It first starts out that your teeth are sensitive at the base where the gum meets the teeth. Why Imagine king kong shaking the empire state building. User Reported Nicotine Gum Use Symptoms. Complaints among long term nicotine gum users one year or greater. Ask. APatient. com include addiction with intense gum cravings, anxiety, irritability, dizziness, headaches, nervousness, panic attacks, hiccups, ringing in the ears, chronic depression, headaches, heart burn, elevated blood pressure, a rapid or irregular heart beat, diabetes, insulin intolerance, sleep disruption, tiredness, a lack of motivation, a heavy feeling, recessed, bleeding and diseased gums, diminished sense of taste, tooth enamel damage, tooth loss, jaw joint pain and damage TMJ, canker sores with white patches on the tongue or mouth, oral cancers, bad breath, dry mouth, sore or irritated throat, difficulty swallowing, swollen glands, bronchitis, stomach problems and pain, gastritis, severe bloating, belching, achy muscles and joints, pins and needles in arms and hands, uncontrollable foul smelling gas that lingers, a lack of energy, loss of sex drive, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, fecal impaction from dehydration, scalp tingling, hair loss, acne, facial reddening, chronic skin rashes and concerns about immune system suppression. Other Health Concerns. The U. S. Food Drug Administration is not blind. It has seen. industry commercials and knows that nicotine gum is now being. Sadly, this is being done without any meaningful long term research regarding the consequences of long term NRT use or the influence of harm reduction marketing in fostering youth nicotine addiction. Recent studies raise a host of nicotine use concerns that most users will. Researchers are concerned. I started chewing Nicorette 1. I was fit and healthy dispite being a smoker. Twelve years ago I was diagnosed with insulin intolerence. Today I take 3 drugs for diabetes. No matter what weight loss I have managed, my diabetes is getting worse.

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